History & Mission
The International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture exists to promote academic study of literature, religion, the arts and theory through the collaboration of like-minded scholars, teachers, practitioners, and other parties with vested interest in these interlinking categories. Through its biennial conference, its designated website, and a close working relationship with the journal Literature and Theology (OUP), the Society aims to encourage original research and publication, provide networks for collaborative endeavour, offer notice of relevant work, and support early career scholars pursuing work of an interdisciplinary nature.
The original Society for Religion and Literature was founded at the University of Durham, England, having grown out a series of international conferences that began in 1980. From these activities the journal Literature and Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Culture and Theory was established in 1987 with Oxford University Press. The Society then moved to the University of Glasgow in 1991, with a widening circle of international interest and participation.
The International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture was formally founded in September, 2000, at the Tenth Annual Conference on Religion and Literature hosted by the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The Society has since developed its international connections, with conferences alternating between Continental Europe and the UK, and with close links to groups and societies in Canada, France, Germany, Scandinavia, South Africa, Australia, China, Japan, and Korea, alongside the American Academy of Religion in the United States.
Organizing Committee
President: Marianne Schleicher, Aarhus University, Denmark
Vice-President: Alana M. Vincent, Umeå University, Sweden
General Secretary: Andrew Hass, University of Stirling, UK
Treasurer: Eva Baillie, Mainz, Germany
Communications Officer: Sage Elwell, Texas Christian University
L&T Journal Representative: Richard Rosengarten, University of Chicago
(Ratified at the ISRLC Business Meeting 30 September 2018)
The name of the Society shall be the International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture (ISRLC).
The Society is an independent, non-profit, non-legal body with close historical, organic and operational links to the journal Literature and Theology: An International Journal of Religion, Theory and Culture (Oxford University Press).
The purpose of the ISRLC shall be:
i. to promote the interdisciplinary academic study of religion, literature, theory, culture and the arts through the collaboration of scholars who pursue their research and teaching by means of these interlinking categories.
ii. to pursue the above aim principally by means of: a biennial conference and general meeting, a designated website, and a close working collaboration with the journal Literature and Theology(OUP) and its Board.
iii. to bring together like-minded scholars, teachers, practitioners, and other parties with vested interest into a shared interdisciplinary space, in order to: encourage original research and publication, provide networks for collaborative endeavour, offer notice of relevant work, and support early career scholars pursuing work of an interdisciplinary nature.
i. membership of the Society shall be open to all individuals interested in furthering the work and purpose of the Society.
ii. application for membership shall be made to a relevant Committee member (General Secretary, e.g.) through a formal request, and the name, affiliation and contact details will be placed on a database that adheres to regulatory European privacy laws.
iii. the Committee shall have the right a) to approve or reject applications for membership, and b) to terminate, with good and sufficient reason, the membership of any individual.
The Society will not charge annual subscriptions fees, but generate membership funds biennially through a supplement to conference registration fees as agreed by the General Meeting.
The officers of the Society shall be:
i. a President, who shall be elected for 2 + 2 years, the first two years as President serving concurrently with the Vice-President, the second two years as Vice-President serving concurrently with the newly elected President. The President shall be responsible for the organisation and delivery of the biennial conference, elected two years prior to the conference in question.
ii. a Vice-President, who is an elected President as above in their third and fourth years. The Vice-President shall serve concurrently with the President, and shall help see the transition from the completed conference to its successor.
iii. a General Secretary, who shall be elected for four + one years, and shall be eligible for re-election for one further consecutive term. The General Secretary shall serve four years (two conferences) and remain in post for a fifth transitional year with the newly elected General Secretary, unless re-elected for a second term.
iv. Treasurer, who shall be elected for four years, and shall be eligible for re-election. The Treasurer shall present biennially to a General Meeting a statement of accounts that have been independently examined by a registered accountant.
The Committee will consist of the above four officers and two further members:
i. a Communications Officer, elected for a term of three years and eligible for re-election for one further consecutive term. The Officer is responsible for the running and maintenance of the Society website, and for all other matters pertaining to communication with the membership, with cognate organisations, and (where relevant) with the public.
ii. a Journal Representative from the Board of Literature and Theology, who shall be proposed by the Journal and appointed by the Officers, to serve for a term of three years and be eligible for re-appointment for one further consecutive term. The Journal Representative shall play a full role in the policy-making work of the Committee and support and guide the working relationship between the Society and the Journal, including matters of conference subsidy and of publishing opportunities within the Journal.
The general conduct of the affairs of the Society shall be in the hands of the Committee, as chaired by the General Secretary, who shall ensure continuity from meeting to meeting.
The notification of the General Meeting shall include intimation of any vacancies among the Officers or members of the Committee occurring through expiry of their term of office, and shall call for nominations of members to fill those vacancies.
Nominations, issued in writing, and accompanied by the assent of the members proposed, shall be in the hands of the General Secretary before the General Meeting at which the vacancy falls to be considered. In the event of there being more valid nominations than places to be filled, a ballot shall be held for members present at the meeting.
In the event of a casual vacancy, the Committee shall be empowered, at their discretion, to co-opt a member to hold office until the next General Meeting.
The General Meeting of members shall take place biennially within the scheduled period of the conference. It shall be chaired by the General Secretary, who shall supply minutes, made available to the membership prior to the subsequent meeting.
All elections for the above elected positions shall be held, when relevant, at this meeting.
Ten members shall constitute a quorum.
The conferences, held biennially, and under the directorship of the current President, shall where possible alternate its venue location between a Continental European academic institution and a British Isles (incl. the Republic of Ireland) academic institution. It is the President’s responsibility to form and oversee an organising committee, and to ensure the successful delivery of the conference, including its financial support.
Amendments to this Constitution shall require a majority of not less than two-thirds of those present and voting at a General Meeting, not less than 28 days notice of the amendments having been given in writing to all members.
If the Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall at the next possible meeting put a vote to all present members of the Society, having issued in writing, not less than 28 days prior, the terms of the Resolution to be proposed thereat. If such decision shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at such meeting, the Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of the Society. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to other bodies having aims as similar to the aims of the Society as possible, as determined by the Committee.